Chris Weilacker

Chris Weilacker

Polylingual Software Engineer living in the Cloud

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About Me

After having worked in various positions in China/Hong Kong in the technology and telecommunications space I recently came back to the US with my family to finish my Computer Science degree and go into my original passion as a Software Engineer. An Eagle Scout and an avid fan of Anime and Movies, I am currently looking for a full time, preferably remote/flexible software engineering position in the Los Angeles/Orange County areas.

Personal Software Engineering Projects


Zillowish - Zillow Clone

  • Developed a Zillow Clone App Service in React and Express with JEST Test Suite.
  • Benchmarked MySql, Postgres & Mongo databases with 10 Million records and chose Postgres.
  • Implemented a Proxy Server that utilized service oriented architecture.
  • Utilized New Relic and K6 to implement performance testing on my service and proxy both in development and deployed on EC2.
  • Optimized app by implementing NGINX caching, sever side rendering and scaling to handle up to 20K RPS to the backend API.

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Custom Workout Timer

Custom Workout Timer

  • Built a Mobile App in React Native that allows one to create and save custom workout timers.
  • Implemented Login with Google OAuth and Firebase to save a users timers to MongoDB utilizing a Python Flask backend.
  • Converted my Python Flask backend to AWS Lambda Serverless functions with a Mongo RDS Database.
  • Deployed App to my Android Pixel 3 utilizing AWS to handle backend functions and utilize the app daily for my morning workout.

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Route Planner

Route Planner A* Algorithm in Python

  • Built a route-planning algorithm like the one used in Google Maps with Python 3.
  • Utilized the A* algorithm to find and calculate the shortest path between two points on the map.
  • Developed a Network Graph object serialized in a pickle file to represent two different maps a simple and complicated map with 10 to 40 points with Edges describing distances between points.
  • Tested resulting algorithm with a set of 6 tests and implemented a way to show the resulting routes.

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Other Github Open Source Project Contributions


MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment. I contributed to the project by fixing a good chunk of errors in the Documentation that were causing some of the students during my position at Hack Reactor @ Galvanize issues on their sprints.

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Work Experience

Software Engineering Immersive Resident - Hack Reactor @ Galvanize (2019 - Present)

  • Mentored over 25 students, helping them to grasp fundamental Computer Science and Full-Stack Web Development concepts primarily in the MERN (Mongo/MySql, Express, React, Node) stack.
  • Debugged several hundred hours worth of student's code, guiding students to industry best practices via targeted questions that allow students to lead themselves to the answer.
  • Built and updated web applications and tools to increase community engagement and accountability for the Remote program.
  • Created web-based curriculum in Angular to be utilized by the Enterprise instruction team for custom onsite training at Companies such as DISH, IBM, and Allstate. Developed Docker containers to run headless browsing testing suites on curriculum.

Senior Technical and Financial Consultant for the PLCN - PLDC (2015 - 2018)

Collaborated with executive team at company’s inception managing IT needs as well as developing the Website, Financing and Sales pipeline, including negotiating major OTT contracts with some of the largest companies in the world including Facebook, Google, Apple and others. I also used Python and Javascript for our front-end and back-end websites and some small desktop tools. The PLCN, is the first telecommunications cable, directly connecting Hong Kong, SAR to Los Angeles, USA. The System is to be built alongside Google and Facebook and will deploy the latest technology to be one of the largest capacity submarine cables in the world.

Founder/Team Lead - ChengChe (2012 - 2013)

  • Led a Team as a founder of ChengChe developing a mobile solution to China’s traffic problems through a carpooling and Taxi app.
  • Produced a prototype App in Objective C that mimicked the real world functionality of an Uber like platform, during Uber’s launch.
  • Founded in Beijing, China which was listed by IBM as having the worst traffic in the world in that year.

My GitHub